Perfection is not a feature seen in the craftsmanship in general and artistic ones in particular. All items of our products are made entirely by hand. The professionalism and experience which gives them realize that uniqueness that distinguishes art for centuries, in the national and international panorama, the best ceramics of Caltagirone.
We work every day with passion and dedication, we do it for the love of art and creativity. The time we have to take to achieve each of your ideas and your wish is often long and not always you understands the need for a perceived world with ever more speed, but the rewards that you give us in allow us to make your wishes are lots. The happiness that we read in the eyes of the customer to the delivery of our realization is the main reason why we do this work, because it fulfills all our efforts and all the time we have spent, together with you, to the realization of your unique piece .
Below you can see some photos that portray the work at different stages of production. Enjoy it.